A.I. Ball addresses the emergence of artificial intelligence and the competing forces shaping its development and impact. Duelling microchips face off, taking turns to solve mathematical problems which pushes a ball onto their equally matched opponent, resulting in an endless zero-sum game.
A.I Ball is currently showing at the New Technological Art Awards in Ghent, 2025. On until June 8.
Aguaviva Moon jellyfish, aqurium, pump, electronics, LED light, Camera, Arduino
A solitary moon jellyfish swims around in a saltwater dome. A small camera tracks its movement and turns it into xy values, expressed on a collar of digital numbers. The shifting position of the jellyfish is mapped to the corresponding digits below, resulting in an ever-changing string of random numbers.
The MicroCinescope is an interactive artwork. A small high-res screen is magnified through the lens of an antique brass microscope showing a live top-down view of the microscope itself and the visitors scattered around it.
The extra-terrestrial dowsing divines water beyond Earth. The stick changes direction every 30 seconds and fixes on planets where we think water might exist, such as Mars or the moons of Jupiter and Saturn.
INTERFERENCE Lightbulb, Mobile Detector, Electronics. 25 x 15 x 15cm
Interference is an artwork that reacts to actual cell phone signals in the gallery space. A lightbulb is responding to nearby mobile traffic by flickering and omitting distorted noises.
This artwork is a 2020 Experimenta Commission, presenting as part of Experimenta Life Forms: International Triennial of Media Art, touring nationally until 2023. experimenta.org/lifeforms
DJ Moss is a playful response to the artist’s observations of the ever-evolving spectrum of machine vs human-made entertainment by introducing another protagonist to the mix – living, breathing moss. Being neither algorithm nor person, DJ Moss brings an alternative type of living entity to the decks. The work is a living system in and of itself.
This strange and haphazard performance prompts us to reflect on the agency of plant life, their societal networks and systems of communication, as well as our relationship with non-human and non-biological systems.
38°C is the temperature threshold where we’re typically diagnosed with a fever. This sculpture consists of a replica which has been turned into a functioning temperature gun. It continuously monitors the temperature in the space in front of it, including that of visitors.
MONSTER Aluminium, Displays, Custom Electronics. 50 x 50 x 15cm
Inspired by Dadaism, there are 160,000 possible combinations picked at random. Whenever the button is pushed, the face of a global coalition is formed, always yielding an abominable outcome, reflective of our public distrust in the current political system.
THE WORRYBALL Textiles, MP3 Player, Speaker. 40 x 40 x 40cm
The Worryball is made up by 6000 Guatemalan worrydolls and broadcasts real recorded worries from around the world through an internal speaker. Participants can share their worries on a dedicated website.
LIKE ME Glass, Water, Mica, Custom Electronics. 40 x 29 x 25cm
Like Me is a series of glass head sculptures filled with a liquid that reacts to online social media engagement. Visitors can 'like' the heads dedicated Facebook pages and the sculptures react within seconds.
Headlines is an interactive project displaying live newspapers collected from around the world. It allows visitors to browse through an array of front pages arranged after country and the newspaper’s political alignment.