Textiles, MP3 Player, Speaker. 40 x 40 x 40cm

The worryball is an interactive sculpture, living partly online, that consists of more than 6000 individual Guatemalan worry dolls, woven into a spherical shape. According to Guatemalan folklore, if you whisper your worries to a worrydoll before going to sleep and place it under your pillow, the worries would have gone away by the morning.

When exhibited, the worryball broadcasts real recorded worries from various participants from around the world through an internal speaker. Participants can share their worries on the worryball website, where they can also experience a virtual version of the sculpture.

The Worry Ball Sound Sculpture by Interactive Artist Thomas Marcusson.jpg

The Worryball exhibited at Gallery Salerno 2014-03-01.

The Worry Ball Sound Sculpture by Interactive Artist Thomas Marcusson.jpg

The Worryball exhibited at Creative Concepts Conference in Sydney 2014-03-15.

The 6000 Worrydolls making up the Worryball was aqcuired in co-operation of the Guatemalan board of cultural affairs.

Anyone can record into the Worryball via the website,, and their recordings will be part of the sculpture.


Textiles, MP3 Player, Speaker. 40 x 40 x 40cm


Electric Feed, Custom Plinth